News / updates:
► (09/2022)
The introductory course on the Cosmic Microwave Background has evolved a lot, and from this semester, will award 4 credit points for those who can complete it successfully. The main course page is in the eCampus site of Uni-Bonn, but you are welcome to chek this
local page to get an idea of the course-content and also to download the lecture script.
► (09/2021)
I will be offering a semester-long course on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) for the very first time! The first lecture will be on Monday, 11 October. Please check the course info and other details at the Uni-Bonn eCampus page.
► (08/2019)
We submitted a proposal to ESA, for its long-term science planning, which envisions an ambitious space observatory to map the gas, total mass, and stellar content of the entire observable Universe using the CMB as a backlight. The main point of this white paper is to convey the incredible scientific richness of studying the CMB "foregrounds", despite the negative connotation that term might have. Our paper is now available online, in the arXiv
arXiv:1909.01592, as well as this
ESA page.
► (03/2019)
For the Astro2020 decadal survey we submitted a white paper on the science possibilities with SZ effect spectral measurements, which can almost be read as a project lineup for our group. :-) The paper link is here:
► (01/2019)
We now have several new Master's students and also one new PhD working with us on CCAT-prime related projects, on both galaxy cluster cosmology
and astrophysics topics. Really excited to be in the middle of this very active research group!
► (05/2018)
As our work on the CCAT-prime project picks up, there are plenty of projects suitable for Bachelor's and Master's thesis. If you're interested please feel free to contact me!
► (09/2017)
While we prepare for new exciting science to be done with the CCAT-prime telescope, our current efforts also dig into the excellent
Planck data. New paper describing a detailed analysis of the SZ spectrum with
Planck has now appeared online:
► (05/2017)
The CCAT-prime telescope is going to be built, and the first light is expected in about four years! Great excitement in our Bonn SZ group to be part of this collaboration and contribute to the science. See the
CCAT-p website for more information.
► (02/2017)
The dual-discovery of large Mpc-scale diffuse radio sources (radio halos)
in two otherwise standard cool-core clusters is now published.
ArXiv link
► (02/2017)
I will work in Bonn a little while longer and would be happy to assist with new Bachelor and Master
thesis projects. Motivated students are encouraged to contact me to find out about possible topics.
A current list of thesis topics can also be found at the webpage of Prof. Frank Bertoldi,
see here.
For PhD funding please consult the
Max-Planck Reseach School in Bonn.
► (12/2016)
An article in the ESO Messenger, describing our ALMA SZ work, was published this month (Issue 166, Dec 2016).
Here's the PDF.
► (11/2016)
Our research on cluster radio relics and SZ shocks is nicely summarized in a conference proceeding article, published by the journal
Galaxies. The article is open-source and freely available,
link here.
► (09/2016)
The El Gordo SZ shock paper is published:
ApJ, 829, L23. The publication date actually makes it the first ALMA-SZ paper. :-)
► (08/2016)
Breaking News! Our paper describing one of the very first ALMA SZ results, for the highest redshift merger shock known in a galaxy cluster,
is now accepted! The astro-ph version is here:
► (06/2016)
Our paper on relic/SZ modeling is published in the A&A, appreciate their thorough and extremely helpful language editing. Final version:
A&A, 591, A142.
► (11/2015)
Submitted a paper on SZ contamination for radio relics, very happy about how it came out. Link here:
► (11/2015)
Our paper on cluster pressure modeling through the thermal SZ power spectrum is
finally published online at the A&A.
Ramos Ceja et al. (2015)
► (09/2015)
High-frequency science workshop at the Green Bank: GBT needs all our support it can possibly have.
GBT high-frequency science workshop
► (06/2015)
Excellent cluster ICM workshop at Garching, see us exploring the local flora:
ICM physics & modeling