#### SETTINGS: #### phi_start=0.5 # start color (1.0=red, 2.0=green etc.; modulo 3) rotations=-1. # number of colour space rotations along grayscale sathue=1.2 # saturation of hue (0=gray...1=colour) gamma_gry=1. # gamma correction #### Gray range x0=0.; x1=1. # range of grayscale (standard = 0...1) #### Non-standard exponents (not used by Green (2011) gamma_rot=1. # "gamma" correction for rotation rate power_amp=1. # optional exponent for colour amplification (<0 for lin. trunc.) #### RGB weights #### wr=0.30; wg=0.59; wb=0.11 # NTSC, PostScript #wr=0.299; wg=0.587; wb=0.114 # PAL #wr=0.2126;wg=0.7152;wb=0.0722# HDTV #wr=1.;wg=1.;wb=1. #### Expert mode: Base vector distortion & offset flgdistort=0 #enable distortion (makes u,v no longer be a orthonormal base) kr=1.;kg=0.2;kb=0.9 #stretch factor or=-0.1;og=0.;ob=-0.3 #offset print 'Parameters loaded'