Last update: 2002.12.03
Publications in refereed journals, books
Dieball A., Müller H., Grebel E.K., 2002,
A&A 391, 547
A statistical study on binary and multiple clusters in the LMC
Puzia, T.H., Zepf, S.E., Kissler-Patig, M., Hilker, M.,
Minnitti, D. & Goudfrooij, P. 2002, A&A 391, 453
Extragalactic globular clusters in the near-infrared. II.
The globular cluster systems of NGC 3115 and NGC 4365
Gouliermis, D., Keller, S.C.,
de Boer, K.S., Kontizas, M., & Kontizas, E.
2002, A&A 381, 862-883;
Three stellar associations and their field east of LMC 4
in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Kahabka, P.
2002, A&A 388, 100-112;
ROSAT X-ray sources in the field of the LMC. II.
Statistics of background AGN and X-ray binaries
Kahabka, P., de Boer, K.S., & Brüns, C.
2002, A&A 388, 113-127;
ROSAT X-ray sources in the field of the LMC. III.
The log N - log S of background AGN and the LMC gas
Mieske, S., Hilker, M., Infante, L.
2002, A&A 383, 823;
Ultra compact objects in the Fornax cluster of galaxies: Globular clusters or dwarf galaxies?
Silvotti, R., Janulis, R., Schuh, S. L., Charpinet, S.,
Oswalt, T., Silvestri, N., Gonzalez Perez, J. M.,
Kalytis, R., Meistas, E., Alisauskas, D., Marinoni, S.,
Jiang, X. J., Reed, M. D., Riddle, R. L., Bernabei, S.,
Heber, U., Bärnbantner, O.,
Cordes, O., Dreizler, S.,
Goehler, E., Østensen, R., Bochanski, J., & Carlson, G.
2002, A&A 389,180;
The temporal spectrum of the sdB pulsating star HS 2201+2610 at 2 ms
Silvotti, R., Østensen, R., Heber, U., Solheim, J.-E., Dreizler, S.,
& Altmann, M.
2002, A&A 383, 239;
PG 1325+101 and PG 2303+019: Two new large amplitude subdwarf B pulsators
Digital Publications
de Boer, K.S., 2002,
Entschlüsselung der grossräumigen Struktur unserer Galaxis
de Boer, K.S., Kappelmann, N. 2002,;
Die ORFEUS ASTRO II Space Shuttle Mission - Wissenschaftliche Resultate