Jan Roelof Boddeveld (*1840) and Anna Douws (*1844)

Jan Roelof's father was farmer between Noordlaren and Glimmen at the south-eastern edge of the sand/heath/woodland area called "Appelbergen".
Anna was from Rolde (Drenthe). Her father was carpenter.

They married in Anloo.

Maps: North Drenthe with Gl = Glimmen, R = Rolde, A = Anloo, N = Noordlaren, and B = Boddeveld farm at (in the 2010 notation) Vogelzangsteeg 11. The Zuidlaardermeer can, on the map at left, be seen just above the centre (in blue), on the map at right a corner of it can be seen at the right edge (Z).

Jan Roelof (with Anna) followed his father as farmer at the Vogelzangsteeg.

Children of Anna Douws and Jan Roelof Boddeveld:
1871 girl twins (+), 1873 Jakob (+1902), 1874 Hendrikje, 1877 Antoon, 1880 f (+), 1881 f (+).
[Son Jakob had a mental disorder and lived in the asylum Dennenoord west of Zuidlaren, where he died 1902.]

In 1892, Queen Emma and Princess Wilhelmina visited all dutch provinces, so also Groningen. One of the festivities organised were horse races, on Fri. 24  June 1892, on a purpose-built race course on the Vogelzang estate in Noordlaren, actually right behind the farm of Jan and Hendrikje. Part of the stand was on the edge of their yard. "The organisers aimed at getting the best horses and jockeys of the Netherlands, so they had aranged for ample prize money. The dutch railroads had planned extra trains for all the visitors. But it came different from what was planned. In the night of Thursday on Friday bad weather fell in. The racecourse incurred serious damage and part of the races had to be cancelled." [Text from Geschiedenisbibliotheek.]   Foto: Groninger Archieven (1785-18281). The racecourse was discontinued in 1900.


In December 1896, Jan Roelof and Anna celebrate their 25th marriage anniversary (see advertisement).

A photo of the family was made likely just before Hendrikje married in 1899. Or was the photo taken on occasion of the marriage anniversary?
Jan Roelof and Anna are at right, Antoon and Hendrikje at left. Jan Roelof and Anna were then approaching 60.  [To large version of photo (2 Mb).]

Also the 40th marriage anniversary is noted (see the newspaper clippings).

Jan died in 1915.

Anna immediately looks for support in the household and to milk the 4(!) cows. She repeatedly advertises (see, e.g., the one of October 1916 in the NvhN). She keeps going for two years.
Anna died in 1917. Both reached an age of over seventy.

Daughter Hendrikje married Jakob Vos, market gardener in Groningen.
Son Antoon married Meintje Weber and stayed on the farm at the Vogelzangsteeg. Their children are: Jan Roelof B, Antoon B, Jacob B, Annie B, Hennie B, Meintje B, Katrien B, Dinie B, en Reina B.

The estate is split up in 1923 through a public sale (see the newspaper clippings). The proceeds amount to almost f 10000 (in 2015 value about 200 000 Euro).
[ When Hendrikje died in 1957, her sister in law H.Boddeveld-Weber had a financial debt to her. ]

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