Ancestry of Dorothy Margaret Martin née Argyle (*1939 , +2018)

Dorothy was born in South Africa, where her father John Daniel Argyle was teacher. Her mother was Dorothy (Tirri) Argyle née Heberden.
Their ancestors are all from the United Kingdom.

Basic information (names, dates of birth and death, profession) on the ancestors as given in the following pages was collected by Dorothy herself.
Further research, using exclusively sources available through the internet, was carried out by KSdB with the goal to liven-up the rather sparse basic data with documentation, illustrations (if possible) as well as to provide references.

The information available here is limited to forebears (and their respective children). It is grouped into "quarter-pages",  showing the data in blocks of three genereations in an easy visual form.
Dates are given as dd/mm/yyyy.

To understand the structure of these webpages please look at the overview of quarter-pages.
Access to the base quarter-page of Dorothy.

For further information and suggestions contact the author of these pages at  klaassde (at)

(2021.04.23)   index.html   begun 2020.07.15   KSdB