Hugh Garratt Foster Barham (*1867) & Margaret Moore (Meta) Cameron (*1883)

Title page of an early publication (1891) of HGFB following a presentation at the Liverpool Engineering Society (page 58-70).

Hugh gets a military commission in 1892

HGFB won second prize in a contest to design a canal from Bridgwater to the sea (river Parrett).
See "The Engineer" 1895, Nov.1 p.438.

Library entry of a publication in 1895 in "The Engineer", 1895 November 01.

Library entry of a publication in 1897 by HGFB.

Hugh is now employed by the Brisbane Waterworks.
At Left
19010724, page 8.

A year later, the issue appeared again in the Brisbane Courier.
19020717, page 4 (cut and pasted to one block).

Below:  A historical analysis of the early activities of the Brisbane waterworks was published in 2011. And HGFB's report is specifically mentioned in the summary.

From: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, Vol 117 (2011).

Photos of Meta and Hugh, 1902.

They married in 1903 in Toowoomba.


Seoul Waterworks (images from its museum website).

At right: Meta in 1906 with little Betty. Korean men pull her cart.

There is a publication in the Korean language by Süng-won Yi (2011) with the title "History of jobs that have disappeared". In it, the disappearance of the "water seller" is related to the building of the Korean Water Works completed in 1908.

Below: Part from the "google books" website showing cover and title.

At right: Part of the Korean text with translation*).

The international syndicate founded Korean Water Works Limited, manager and engineer H. G. Foster Barham, for waterworks business in Seoul. The Korean Water Works Limited handled water supply facilities and business management. Collbran-Bostwick Development Company started constructing a water purification plant on Ttukseom [a small island in Seoul] in August 1906 and finished it in August 1908. The Korean Water Works Limited started supplying 12,500,000 liter water per day to 125,000 people from 1st September 1908. They built public water supply systems at important locations in the city, not like nowadays when water pipes are laid into each house.

From: The Crystal Palace School of Engineering Magazine
Vol 12, 1912.

After Korea came England, then Chateu d'Oex and Agno, both in Switserland, then again England.
Two photos from 1916, in Agno near Lugano (CH). Both from pAJnS.

From left: Betty, Margaret, Justin, mother Margaret, Williamina, Alfred, Mary.

From left: Mary, Alfred, father Hugh, Williamina, Justin, Betty, Margaret.

Left: from "Who's Who in Engineering", 1922. In the credentials the address is given.
Recent (2016) "streetview" images of Angles Road in Streatham (south of London). House number 38 is visible above the first car at right. The front of the house is shown at right.
Did the family keep this house until the late 1930s?

As of about 1922, the family lives in Nelson, New Zealand.

From Evening Post 19271010.

Daughter Betty is debutante. Year unknown, about 1925.
She was presented at court by (as APFB suspects), cousin Donald Cameron of Barcaldine Castle.
Photo from APFB Archive.

From Evening Post 19290812.

From: Evening Post 19291120.

From: The Truth 19291128.   Gossipping?

Son Alfred died in England.
From: The Sydney Morning Herald, 21 February 1930.

From: Evening Post 19300820.


Daughter Margaret passed entrance exam for university. She will go to Dunedin.
From: Evening Post 19310123.

From: Evening Post 19340305.
Mrs H.G. Foster Barham came back this morning from Sydney.

      Right: from Evening Post 19371113.

Left: from The Press 19370215.

From: Evening Post 19371207.
Meta on radio, at 8:40 p.m.: Mrs H.G. Foster Barham

From: Evening Post 19380204.

Hugh gave her then the painting of Chateu d'Oex.

Again on radio!
Left: from Evening Post 19380811.
Below: from Evening Post 19380812.

From: Evening Post 19381014.

From: Evening Post 19390818.
The initial printed is wrong, it is Mrs. H.G. Foster Barham who has returned.
Betty = Elizabeth, the oldest daughter.

APFB: Helen Aroha Pasley née Foster Barham.
pAJnS: Photoarchive of Aprilla Jacometti née Stanford.
*) Thanks to Seungkyung Oh.
Back to the life of HGFB and MMC.

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