The Submm Group at the MPIfR and the Bolometer Cosmology group at UC Berkeley have joined forces to undertake a large area SZ survey using a state of the art bolometer array at the APEX telescope. The survey will address many of the currently pressing issues of cosmology research. (http://bolo.berkeley.edu/apexsz)
The correlation between the weak gravitational lensing field of the large scale structure and the secondary temperature fluctuation field (SZE) of the CMB induced by mildly nonlinear structure can reveal the biasing relation between the DM and ionized medium in the large-scale structure. The leading contribution is from the quadratic Doppler effect of the bulk velocity field of the ionized medium. (Takada & Sugiyama 2002).
Bits and pieces:
recombination epoch z~1000
reionization between z~ 6 (Gunn-Peterson) and 30 (CMB anisotropies <1deg)
Ostriker-Vishniak: coupling of the Doppler effect with spatial variations in electron density distribution produce mK anisotropies on arcmin scales
Patchy reionization causes secondary anisotropies
Weak lensing generates T fluctuations on arcmin and 10mJy scales below the Silk damping scale, and can be used to reconstruct the projected dark matter field if separated from the SZE.