CIP-Pool at the  AIfA

The CIP pool was set up in 2006 and has since been remodelled several times and brought up to the latest technical standards. The layout of the room includes 18 terminals/PCs in 3 rows and a teacher PC with connection to a projector. All terminals/PCs have Linux as their operating system.

In 2006, simple terminals were procured which were connected to 3 Linux servers. This was necessary as PCs were very loud at the time and also heated up the room very quickly when connected to users.

Over time, these terminals became too slow and it was also possible to procure quiet PCs, which are now in their 3rd generation. The operating system is currently (as of 7/2024) Ubuntu 22.04.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
AIfA Cip-Pool © David Ohne

After the CIP pool had its own user administration in 2006, which meant a great deal of organisational effort, the user administration was switched to the UniID administered by the computer centre (HRZ). This meant that the home directories could also be moved to the HRZ, which also enables access to user data from the physics CIP pool. This enables the parallel use of both CIP pools for interdisciplinary events.

In 2019, the possibilities for virtual use of the CIP pool were also added, which was also used intensively during the Corona period. The desktop of a CIP pool computer can be operated in a web browser using special software. This means that students can access the hardware resources around the clock and do not need to install any special software to use them.

In addition to the terminals/PCs, the presentation media have also been regularly updated and now enable high-quality events with computer support.

Wo ist der CIP-Pool?/Öffnungszeiten

The CIP pool is located on the ground floor of the Argelander Institute. You can reach the room by going through the main entrance and then turning left into the left corridor to the end.

The CIP pool is mainly used for Bachelor's/Master's courses and is not freely available (although this may change in the future).

The CIP pool can be accessed virtually around the clock via the guacamole software. When you attend an event, a tutor will also provide you with access.

Alternatively, you can go to the Physics CIP pool (still in AVZ I 1st floor) if events are not also being held there. Further information can be found on their website.


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