Science for all

Employees of the Argelander Institute participate in a variety of events to communicate our science and methods. Below, we present a selection of our past activities in chronological order.

Our public work is significantly supported by the projects PUNCH4NFDI and B3D. For further information or suggestions, please contact Professor Dr. Frank Bertoldi, Dr. Sonja Felder, or David Ohse.

Upcoming events with our participation

  • Wissenschaftsralley Poppelsdorf, 8th February 2025, more (German only)
  • Digital@School Campus, 25th-26th June 2025, more (German only)

MINT Tag, University of Bonn

February 4, 2025: Is a MINT (STEM) degree right for me? This question was explored by students during the MINT Tag. With two interactive workshops on radio astronomy and distance measurement in space, a team from the Argelander Institute was also involved. In addition to the workshops, lectures from a diverse astro-team provided insights into the astronomy degree at the University of Bonn and potential career prospects.

Further information on the MINT Tag here (German only).

More information on studying astronomy at the University of Bonn and the start of the program can be found here.

Stefanie explains the spectrum of light in front of the LEGO model of the ALMA radio telescope
Stefanie explains the spectrum of light in front of the LEGO model of the ALMA radio telescope © Waidhas, Universität Bonn
Vortrag über EUCLID Mission
Expert lecture by Malte Tewes (AIfA, ESERO) on the new EUCLID mission of the ESA. © Sonja Felder, CC BY-SA-4.0

Teacher Training, Bonn

16th November 2024: Under the motto "From the Big Bang to Quarks: What Drives Our Universe?" teachers, future educators and others interested in the communication of astronomy and particle physics attended the training day. Besides expert lectures the 19 participants also had practical sessions, such as a market with astro-experiments/teaching materials to try outs (materials are freely available on, as well as soldering small particle detectors for the classroom. The event was organized by PUNCH4NFDI and the Netzwerk Teilchenwelt (NTW). Future teacher training events by AIfA and PUNCH4NFDI will be communicated through this email distribution list.

Highlights of Physics, Hanover

24.-28. September 2024:  Our LEGO-ALMA model was, of course, a part of the large interactive exhibition at the Bahnhofsplatz during the Highlights of Physics. This year, nearly 35,000 people visited the science festival. Even Belit Onay, the mayor of the state capital of Lower Saxony, visited our booth to learn more about data-intensive radio astronomy. (more)

Highlights der Physik 2024
Josy explains the photograph of a black hole and how the ALMA radio telescope array contributed to it. © F. Bertoldi, CC-BY SA 4.0
Wissenschaftsfestival 2024
Sonja and Josy explain radio interferometry at the University's Science Festival. © V. Lannert, Universität Bonn

Science Festival, Universität Bonn

7th July 2024:  Under the motto "Science for Everyone to Participate in!", the University of Bonn hosted its Science Festival 2024. The AIfA was also present at the booth of the Transdisciplinary Research Area "TRA Matter". In addition to presenting the LEGO ALMA and a banner version of the exhibit "Tracing the Universe," we offered the opportunity to discuss and share impressions and thoughts on the topic of Artificial Intelligence.


19-20 June 2024: Around 2,000 students of years 3 to 12 visited the DIGITAL@School campus Bonn, where an AIfA team, along with a school intern, hosted a booth on machine learning, offering many hands-on activities. Through examples from data-intensive research areas of radio astronomy and particle physics, students were able to engage with the topic using the games Mensch, Maschine! and Tutti Quantum. Of course, the popular LEGO model of the ALMA radio telescope was also present.

Annika und Eva unterhalten eine Gruppe von Schülerinnen am LEGO-ALMA
Annika and Eva are chatting with a group of female students at the LEGO-ALMA. © Sonja Felder, CC BY-SA 4.0
David informiert auf der Ideen Expo über Radiointerferometrie
David informs visitors about radio interferometry at the IdeenExpo. © Frank Bertoldi, CC BY-SA 4.0

Ideas Expo, Hannover

13-15 June 2024: An AIfA team, together with ESERO, showcased several exhibits at a booth. In addition to the popular LEGO-ALMA and a cloud chamber, visitors had the opportunity to explore exciting physical phenomena and learn something new about radio astronomy and particle physics. Of course, the games Human, Machine! and Tutti Quantum, as well as a button-making machine, were also part of the experience. In total, over 430,000 visitors attended the IdeenExpo.

School Internships at AIfA

11-22 March 2024: We welcomed two interns at the AIfA, who were supervised in collaboration with the Netzwerk Teilchenwelt at the Institute of Physics. The interns were able to to conduct moon observations using the AIfA telescope, try their hand at astronomical distance measurements in Projekt Andromeda and they had the opportunity to participate in masterclasses on particle physics and build a simple particle physics detector.

Mondbeobachtungen am Teleskop des AIfA
Moon observations with the AIfA telescope. © R. Al-Alali und F. Jamshidi, CC BY-SA 4.0
Teilnehmerinnen der Schnupper-Uni und Stefanie Mühle am interaktiven LEGO-Modell des ALMA Radioteleskops.
Participants at the interactive LEGO model of a radio telescope. © Sonja Felder, CC BY-SA 4.0

University Taster Event, Bonn

06th February 2024: For the 24. Schnupper-Un, a team of AIfA researchers conducted three workshops for a total of 42 girls from school years 10 to 13. In addition to providing information about study paths and career prospects, we engaged in conversations through an icebreaker bingo and explored basic astronomy concepts in interactive sessions with the LEGO model of the ALMA radio teleskope and an exercise on measuring distances in space.

Science Ralley, Uni Bonn

27th January 2024: At the Science Rally around Poppelsdorf, over 300 young people had the chance to discover various STEM fields and study programs. At the astronomy station, we showcased the interactive ALMA model and the decision tree "On the Trail of the Universe". Additionally, participants were able to conduct a speed check of the Milky Way using observational data and explore the rules of the quantum world through a card game.

Teilnehmerinnen sichten mit David die Fragen zur Astronomie.
Participants review astronomy questions with David. © MARTIN MAGUNIA, BONN/Universität Bonn
Tag der Naturwissenschaften 2024
Beethoven students working on the Andromeda Project. © D. Ohse, CC-BY SA 4.0

Natural Sciences Day, AIfA

12th January 2024: A group of 22 students and a teacher from Beethoven Gymnasium visited the AIfA. They gained insights into our work through a program that included visits to the telescope, the LEGO model of the ALMA radio telescope, and the electronics workshop, as well as scientific lectures and hands-on exercises. The various opportunities for interaction with AIfA researchers and students were especially appreciated. These interactions included a dialogue session and a shared pizza lunch, where the students had the chance to ask questions about the daily lives and careers of astrophysicists. The central theme was the expansion of the universe: How do we know that the universe is expanding, and how do we measure distances? With the „Project Andromeda“, developed at AIfA, the students had the opportunity to try their hand at being astronomers.

Night of Technology, Bonn/Rhein-Sieg

20th Oktober 2023: The Nacht der Technik Bonn/Rhein-Sieg reached its third edition, and for the first time, the University of Bonn participated with its own station. As one of 49 locations in the region, the University of Bonn opened its doors and showcased technical innovations through interactive experiments in robotics, geodesy/geoinformatics, and astronomy.

Nacht der Technik
Annika and Leo at the Night of Technology. © unbekannt
Highlights der Physik 2023
David and Minou are standing in front of the LEGO-ALMA model in Kiel. © unbekannt

Highlights of Physics, Kiel

25-30. September 2023:  The „Highlights der Physik“ in Kiel featured an engaging hands-on exhibition, including the LEGO-ALMA model, as well as a diverse program for all ages, alongside intriguing lectures. The event demonstrated how captivating and accessible science can be. Nearly 40,000 visitors attended over the six days of the festival.

Open House at BMBF, Berlin

19-20. August 2023: We were invited to showcase our LEGO-ALMA model at the Open House of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Under the theme "Neue Horizonte, neue Chancen – Wissen, das uns weiterbringt!" (New Horizons, New Opportunities – Knowledge that Advances Us)" various initiatives and projects supported by the BMBF were presented. Despite the sweltering temperatures, over 7,000 visitors attended the event in Berlin. Minou Greve, Leo Ringel, and Philipp Ertz represented AIfA at the event.

State Secretary Pirscher visited Leo and Philipp at the LEGO-ALMA model in Berlin. © unbekannt
Universe on Tour
The exhibit "Tracing the Universe" was displayed as a banner on Hofgartenwiese, with the mobile planetarium in the background. © F. Bertoldi, CC-BY SA 4.0

Roadshow "Universe on Tour", Bonn

9-13. August 2023: As part of the "Universe on Tour" roadshow, over 4,000 visitors attended the exhibition tent on Bonn's Hofgartenwiese, enjoying the interactive LEGO-ALMA model. In the adjacent mobile planetarium, Prof. Andrina Nicola took the audience on a "Journey into the Darkness" during a public evening lecture (12th August). Additionally, our MS-Wissenschaft exhibit was displayed as a large banner at the event (foto).


"Dialog an Deck", Bonn

4th August 2023: More than 100 attendees participated in the public discussion "Dialog an Deck:Schwarze Löcher und die Grenzen von Raum und Zeit" (Black Holes and the Limits of Space and Time). Experts from various fields explored questions about the nature of space, time, and the limits of our knowledge. The event, part of the science year themed "Unser Universum" (Our Universe), took place aboard the MS Wissenschaft exhibition ship and was organized by AIfA staff, enaCom und den TRAs der Universität Bonn. (mehr) (Video)

Dialog an Deck 2023
Prof. Bertoldi welcomed the audience and the panelists Dr. Suzanna Randall, Prof. Andreas Bartels, Dr. Sandra Unruh and Dr. Frank Vogelsang (from left to right).. © unbekannt
MS Wissenschaft-Exponat
The exhibit guides visitors along pathways of their choice to postcards with detailed information and links to a website, offering interactive engagement with 13 different research topics. © Florentin J. Schmidt, University of Bonn

Exhibit on "MS-Wissenschaft", Nationwide

9th May-27th September 2023: This year, the University of Bonn participated in the "MS Wissenschaft" exhibition ship. In line with this year's science year theme, "Unser Universum" (Our Universe), the university developed an interactive exhibit titled Dem Universum auf der Spur“ (Tracing the Universe). Visitors, especially pupils, had the opportunity to explore various research areas and methods related to the universe in a hands-on way. (more)

Science Festival, Universität Bonn

9th July 2023: the University of Bonn hosted its first Science Festival on the Hofgartenwiese under the theme „Wissenschaft zum Mitmachen für alle!“ (Science for Everyone to Participate!). The AIfA showcased the LEGO-ALMA model, offering attendees an interactive experience related to astronomy and scientific exploration. The event aimed to engage the public in science through hands-on activities. (more)

Wissenschaftsfestival 2023
Visitors had the chance to interact with the LEGO model of the ALMA Observatory, learning about how a radio astronomical interferometer works. This hands-on experience helps explain the complex science behind radio astronomy in an engaging and accessible way. © unbekannt


Avatar Bertoldi

Frank Bertoldi


Avatar Felder

Sonja Felder

PUNCH4NFDI (AIfA Webmaster)

PUNCH4NFDI Science Communicator
Avatar Ohse

David Ohse

PUNCH4NFDI Science Communicator

This website has been translated from German into English in part with ChatGPT 4.0 , OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. The translation draft has been reviewed and edited by the webmaster (further information see imprint).

Further links

A collection of educational materials for schools, covering various topics, including astronomy and physics. (German only)

Weitere Angebote im Bereich Physik/Astronomie

Collection of the range of resources and activities offered by the Physics/Astronomy department, targeted at students and the public.

Junge Uni

Collection of activities offered by the Youth University of Bonn, targeted at school pupils.

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