Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), C. Padilla
Please note that the information below has been compiled in early 2020 in preparation for the original Cycle 8 Call for Proposals. When the new Cycle 8 Call for Proposals will be prepared in early 2021, this webpage will be updated according to the latest information.
Proposal Preparation Support: Video Tutorials and Online Proposal Clinic
Enjoy ALMA proposal preparation support at home and at times convenient for you!
1) Proposal Preparation Tutorials
As a service to the local astronomical community, the German ARC node offers a series of brief video tutorials that can be watched at any convenient time. The tutorials cater to astronomers with different levels of expertise, from introductory videos for scientists new to ALMA to a concise update for experienced ALMA users.
The following tutorials are currently available:
As a complement to the tutorials, this
Knowledgebase article informs all users of the latest developments and issues. All PIs are encouraged to check this page regularly, in particular before the submission of their proposal(s).
2) Drop-in Proposal Clinic
Prospective ALMA users are very welcome to follow up the tutorials with one-on-one discussions during our online drop-in proposal clinic. During the office hours of the proposal clinic, experienced staff of the German ARC node will be available in a zoom videocon session, which the participants can join without charge and in the browser of their choice. Zoom offers screen sharing capabilites for all users allowing optimum interaction over large distances. If you would like to talk to an ALMA expert, but can not join the zoom session during the scheduled office hours, please send an email to arc
at astro.uni-bonn.de for a special appointment.
The proposal clinic will
open four weeks before the proposal deadline. While the proposal clinic is still closed, prospective ALMA users are encouraged to contact the node via email to arc
at astro.uni-bonn.de.