Radio Astronomy 2021/22 (astro841)
Dr. Stefanie Mühle, Prof. Dr. Frank Bigiel, Dr. Lydia Moser, Dr. Kastuv Basu, and guest lecturersYour entry to the exciting science and challenging methods exploring the universe at radio to (sub)mm wavelengths!
Since the beginning of radio astronomy, observations at radio, millimeter and lately submillimeter wavelengths allow unprecedented insights into the evolution of the cold gas and dust as well as into non-thermal emission processes, repeatedly puzzling astronomers, challenging long-held beliefs and advancing astronomy as a whole.
This Master-level course introduces the participants to various hot science topics currently pursued in radio astronomy, reviews the physical and mathematical background, and offers lots of practical advice from experienced observational radio astronomers. Expert guest lecturers present the latest state of the art in receiver technology and backend development.

This course is open to Master students, PhD students, postdocs, more senior astronomers and scientists of related fields.
How to participate
Students in Bonn and Cologne:
If you are a Master student at the university of Bonn or Cologne, you can take this course for credit, obtaining 6 CP. Registered students who participate actively in the tutorial and in the hands-on observing project are invited to take the written exam.
As in the winter semester 2020/21, the lectures will be given exclusively via zoom. If you intend to take the course, whether for credit or not, please register for this course on eCampus before Monday, 11 October 2021. Only registered participants will be able to log into the zoom session.
Other participants:
As in previous years, Master students outside of the Bonn/Cologne region, PhD students, postdocs, more senior astronomers and scientists of related fields are very welcome to join the course via zoom. If you would like to participate, please contact us before Monday, 04 October 2021 at "muehle at".
Course duration: |
October 2021 until early February 2022, first lecture on Tuesday, 12 October 2021 |
Time & date: |
on 12 - 28 October: Tuesdays 14:15-15:35 CEST (12:15-13:35 UT) and Thursdays 15:15-16:35 CEST (13:15-14:35 UT) |
Location: |
The zoom link and password will be sent to all registered participants |
Contact: |
Dr. Stefanie Mühle, muehle at |