Anne Hinnes Posthumus (*1829) and Renske Jans Pool (*1830)
Anne was the son of Hinne, who had a shop in Ureterp.
From 11-12-1855 Anne rents a house with shop north of Ureterp
for f 40 per year.
On 26-08-1857 the house (and other real estate) is
and Anne buys id for f 556.
Notary public J.G. van Blom, Drachten, organises the transactions
in one document.
The property is in Ureterp (Ure D757+758), at "De Vaart"
(canal filled in 1963; house "de Feart 25",
in old style redone; foto streetview),
the canal from Drachten to the west,
serving the last of the peat digging further east and south-east.
The business faltered.....
Then the family moved to Nuis (Prov. Groningen) and started anew. They also traded in eggs: buying eggs at local farmers and selling large quantities on. Children in Ureterp (Gem.Opsterland): Oct 1856 Hinne, 1857 Janna, 1859 Jan, 1860 Gerben (in the civil registry with surname Posthuma), 1862 Dina (+); then in Nuis (Gem.Marum): 1863 Klaas, 1865 Eva (+), 1866 Geert (+), 1869 Evert, 1870 Diena, 1872 Eva (+1875). Anne died April 1882 in Nuis.
Renske now moved to Niebert, to the toll-house there.
They also had a shop.
The older children had married (see below),
3 children were still at home, Klaas (18), Evert (13), and Diena (12).
Renske must have managed the shop well, first together with Klaas.
Son Evert is the successor in the shop. He will later be followed by his son Anne.
Renske died 1917 in the house of her son Evert, in Niebert. Marriages of the children: Janna 1880 with Arend de Boer. Gerben married June in 1882 with Jacoba Huberts and Jan July 1882 with Albertje Dijkstra (later with Hiltje de Vries), both soon after fathers death. Diena married 1893 Willem Cazemier, Evert 1894 Riemke Tuinstra, Klaas in 1897 with Liena Hofstede. Hinne did not marry, he died 1894 in Roderveld. The information about Anne's shop in Ureterp and the faltering is from the article by Jan Posthumus "Een ondernemende familie Posthumus" in 't Olde Guet, p.37. The information about living in the toll-house in Niebert is from granddaughter Janna Posthumus, as she relayed it to KSdB November 1970. Back to the ancestry of Anne & Renske. To the dutch version. |
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