History of Astronomy: Persons (T)
- Tabari: see Ali Ibn Rabban al-Tabari (838-870)
- Tacquet, Andreas [Andr&eacut;] (1612-1660)
- Talbot, William Henry Fox (1800-1877)
- Tamm, Nils A. O. (1876-1957)
- Tanaka, Haruo (b. 1922)
- Tannery, Paul (1843-1904)
- Tarde, Jean (1561/62-1636)
- Tasso, Torquato (1544-1595)
- Tayler, Roger (1929-1997)
- Taylor, Geoffrey Ingram, Sir (1886-1975)
- Relation to astronomy: applied hydrodynamics to Jupiter's
Great Red Spot
- Taylor, Janet (19th century)
- Taylor, Joseph H. (b. 1941)
- Tebbutt, John (1834-1916)
- Teller, Edward (b. 1908)
- Relation to astronomy: worked on applications of astrophysics
to controlled thermonuclear reactions
- Tempel, Ernst Wilhelm Leberecht (1821-1889)
- Tenskwatawa (?-1837)
- Relation to astronomy: predicted a solar eclipse
- Tereshkova, Valentina Vladimirovna (b. 1937)
- Relation to astronomy: first woman in space
- Tesla, Nikola (1856-1943)
- Relation to astronomy: anticipated radio communication
with other planets
- Thabit Ibn Qurra (836-901)
- Thales of Miletus [Thales von Milet] (624 BC - 546 BC)
- Theodosius of Bithynia (c. 160 BC - c. 100 BC)
- Theon of Alexandria (c. 335 - c. 395)
- Theon of Smyrna (c. 100 - c. 160)
- Thiele, Thorvald Nicolai (1838-1910)
- Thierry of Freburg [Thierry of Saxony] (fl. 1293-1310)
- Thom, Alexander (1894-1945)
- Thomas Aquinas (1224/25/27-1274)
- Thomas, Oswald (1882-1963)
- Thompson, John (1720-1783)
- Thompson, Roland Dale (1895-1950)
- Thomson, James Park (1854-1941)
- Thomson, William [Lord Kelvin of Largs] (1824-1907)
- Thorndike, Lynn (1882-1965)
- Relation to astronomy: worked on the history of astrology
- Thurneisser zum Thurn, Leonhard (1531-1596)
- Tiarks, Henry Frederick (1900-1995)
- Tibbon, Jacob ben Machir ibn (1236-1312)
- Tieffenthaler, Josef (1710-1785)
- Timocharis (ca. 200 BC)
- Tinseau, D'Amondans Charles de (1748-1822)
- Tisserand, Francois FĂ©lix (1845-1896)
- Titius, Johann Daniel (1729-1796)
- Toaldo, Giuseppe (1719-1797)
- Todd, Charles (1826-1910)
- Todd, Mabel Loomis (1856-1932)
- Tombaugh, Clyde William (1906-1997)
Biographies, discovery of Pluto, and links
Very short biography and reference (Eric Weisstein's Treasure Trove)
Very short biography and links
Very short biography
Very short biography and links
The Struggles to Find the Ninth Planet, by Clyde W. Tombaugh
Pluto: The Discovery of Planet X, by Brad Mager
Pluto Express Curriculum Guides for Educators, Vol. 1 No. 1
- Also on the history of discovery of Pluto.
Burdett, KS and Dr. Clyde Tombaugh
Discoverer of Pluto
- On the historical marker at Burdett, with a short biography.
Clyde W. Tombaugh Observatory, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Clyde W. Tombaugh Campus Observatory, New Mexico State University,
Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA
Clyde Tombaugh Astronomy Center, Dodge City, Kansas, USA
Clyde W. Tombaugh OMNIMAX Theater and Planetarium, Alamogordo, New Mexico, USA
Tombaugh Elementary School, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA
- Including a very short biography and links.
Links to WWW sources
Find more about Tombaugh with Alta Vista
- Tompion, Thomas (c.1639-1713)
- Torricelli, Evangelista (1608-1647)
- Toscanelli, Paolo dal Pozzo (1397-1482)
- Towneley, Richard (1629-1707)
- Townes, Charles Hard (b. 1915)
- Relation to astronomy: applied maser-laser technology to
- Triesnecker, Franz von Paula [Francis a Paula] (1745-1817)
- Troughton, Edward (1753-1836)
- Trumpler, Robert Julius (1886-1956)
- Tscherenkow: see Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseevich (1904-1990)
- Tschirnhaus, Ehrenfried Walter von (1651-1708)
- Tsiolkovsky [Ciolkovskij, Ziolkowski], Konstantin Eduardovich [Eduardowitsch] (1857-1935)
- Tsu Ch'ung Chi (430-501)
- Tuckerman, Frederick Goddard (1821-1873)
- Relation to astronomy: studied also astronomy
- Turner, Herbert Hall (1861-1930)
- Tutte, William (b. 1917)
- Tycho Brahe: see Brahe, Tycho (1546-1601)
Wolfgang R. Dick.
Created: 16 Jan 1995.
Latest update: 19 Feb 2003