History of Astronomy:
What's new at this site on September 3, 1999
Some URLs have been updated.
Observatories and other places
- B
- Beals, Carlyle Smith (1899-1979)
- Bishop, Roy (20th c.)
- Borra, Ermanno Franco (20th c.)
- Brown, Peter (20th c.)
- Bruce, William (1833-1927)
Bruce Park, Hamilton, Canada
- Including a very short biography with references.
- C
- Cassini, Gian Domenico [Giovanni Domenico; Jean Dominique] [Cassini I] (1625-1712)
- Chalonge, Daniel (1895-1977)
- Chant, Clarence Augustus (1865-1956)
- Clifford, William Kingdon (1845-1879)
- Covington, Arthur Edwin (b. 1913)
- D
- Dickinson, Terence (20th c.)
- du Val, Patrick (1903-1987)
- F
- Frost, Robert Lee (1874-1963)
- G
- Grieve, Richard A.F. (20th c.)
- H
- Harper, William Edmund (1878-1940)
- Herzberg, Gerhard (b. 1904)
- Hildebrand, Alan R. (20th c.)
- Hogg, Frank Scott (1904-1951)
- Hogg [Sawyer Hogg, Hogg-Priestley, Sawyer-Hogg-Priestley], Helen Battles (1905-1993)
- Hudde, Johann [Jan] van Waveren (1628-1704)
- Hypsicles of Alexandria [Hypsikles von Alexandria] (c. 190 BC - c. 120 BC)
- L
- Lane, David J. (20th c.)
- Lemay, Damien (20th c.)
- Levy, David H. (b. 1948)
- Lipschitz, Rudolf Otto Sigismund (1832-903)
- Locke, John Lambourne (b. 1921)
- Lucas, Francois Edouard Anatole (1842-1891)
- M
- Mason, Charles Max (1877-1961)
- Mathieu, Emile Léonard (1835-1890)
- Millman, Peter Mackenzie (1906-1990)
- N
- Nekrasov, Aleksandr Ivanovich (1883-1957)
- Newcomb, Simon (1835-1909)
Short biography
- P
- Pearce, Joseph Algernon (1893-1988)
- Plaskett, John Stanley (1865-1941)
- R
- Reeves, Hubert (b. 1932)
- Rittenhouse, David (1732-1796)
- Robins, Benjamin (1707-1751)
- S
- Shelton, Ian (b. 1958)
- Slutskij [Slutsky; Sluzki; Sluckij], Evgenij [Evgeny; Jewgeni] Evgenievich [Jewgenjewitsch] (1880-1948)
- Sokolov, Yurij [Yurii; Juri] Dmitrievich [Dmitrijewitsch] (1896-1971)
- Stewart, Robert Meldrum (1878-1954)
- V
- Vali, Hojatollah (20th c.)
- van den Bergh, Sidney (b. 1929)
- W
- Whitehorne, Mary Lou (20th c.)
- Y
- Young, Reynold Kenneth (1886-1977)
Index of all persons from A to Z (updated)
More biographies / Sources and other lists
Museums, memorials, historical places and exhibits
Bologna, Italy
Erice, Italy
Florence [Firenze, Florenz], Italy
Hamilton, Canada
Modena, Italy
Monteporzio, Italy
Naples (Napoli, Neapel), Italy
Padova, Italy
Rome (Roma, Rom), Italy
Taipei, Taiwan
Mostre e Musei Astronomici
- Astronomical museums
Research and graduate institutes and departments
Historians of astronomy
Wolfgang R. Dick