Stellar and brown dwarf populations, the IMF and initial multiple-star distribution functions.
The formation of stars, embedded clusters and the evolution of star clusters.
The formation and evolution of galaxies.
The dark matter problem; alternatives to the dark matter hypothesis; implications for cosmology.
The nature of gravitation
Elena Isabel Asencio Perez, PhD project: Structure formation in Milgromian gravitation (theory)
Dr. Andrea Dieball (affiliated): Stellar populations in globular clusters (observational)
Robin Eappen, PhD project (Bonn University): Simulations of galaxy formation (numerical, RAMSES and PoR codes)
Andres Granados Cruz (past MSc student, PhD student, 2024-): Galaxies in Milgromian dynamics (theory, modelling)
Dr. Jaroslav Haas (Charles University, Prague): The dynamics at the Galactic centre (theory; Nbody modelling)
Prof. Dr. Hosein Haghi: (long-term visitor; from IASBS, Zanjan, Iran) Alternative theories of gravity, Nbody models of distant Milky Way globular clusters, modelling of dwarf galaxies, rotation curves
Vikrant V. Jadhav, AvH Fellow Feb.2023-: Open star clusters and their stars (observational)
Prof. Dr. Pavel Kroupa: Stellar populations and dynamics, the dark matter problem, cosmology
Lukas Malte Hof, research project: Self-regulated star formation with a varying gwIMF (theoretical)
Sergij Maszurenko , undergraduate research projects (also working with Indranil Banik): The Hubble Tension problem, asymmetical tidal tails of star clusters (theoretical)
Yannik Ostermann, Msc project (also working with Marie Zinnkann): Stellar populations (theoretical)
Dr. Jan Pflamm-Altenburg: Theoretical and computational stellar dynamics: the dissolution of massive star-cluster cores, the distribution of massive stars
Dhanraj Risbud, pre-MSc project: Thetidal tails of open star clusters (Gaia data)
Vajiheh Sabzali, PhD project (Charles University, Prague, also with Frantisek Dinnbier and Tereza Jerabkova as advisors): Nbody modelling of star clusters and their escaping stars (theory, numerical)
Nick Samaras , PhD project (Charles University, Prague): Cosmology with Milgromian gravitation (theory)
David Scherer, BSc project (also with Jan Pflamm-Altenburg): The generalised Poisson equation (theory)
Myank Singhal , PhD project (Charles University, Prague; main supervisor: Ladislav Subr): Galactic centre dynamics (theory)
Dr. Ladislav Subr (Charles University, Prague): Stellar dynamical problems (theory; Nbody modelling)
Dr. Ingo Thies: Theoretical planet formation, stellar dynamics, galaxy evolution using the PoR code
Henriette Wirth, PhD project (Charles University, Prague, also with Ladislav Subr as advisor): Stellar populations in globular star clusters (theory, numerical)
Nils Wittenburg, PhD project: Theoretical galaxy formation/nuHDM cosmological model using the PoR code
Wenjie Wu, PhD project: Star clusters (Nbody modelling)
Dong Zhang, PhD project: Cosmology, galaxy clusters (theory)
Jian-Wen Zhou, PhD project (originally at MPIfR and PhD student of Karl Menten who deceased unexpectedly on Dec.30th, 2024): Star formation in molecular clouds (theory/data analysis)
Marie Zinnkann, MSc project: Stellar populations (theory, modelling)
Prof. Dr. Akram Hasani Zonoozi (IASBS Iran, affiliated; AvH Fellow since March 2024): Nbody models of star clusters, IGIMF theory, stellar populations
Above: The Prague Stellar Populations and Dynamics
Research Group. From left to
Above: The Bonn Stellar Populations and Dynamics
Research Group. From left to
Above: The Prague Stellar Populations and Dynamics
Research Group. From left to
Above: The Bonn Stellar Populations and Dynamics
Research Group. From left to
Above: The Bonn-Prague Stellar Populations and Dynamics
Research Group (24th of November). From left to
Above: The Prague Stellar Populations and Dynamics Research
Group (Wednesday 3rd of November).
From right to left:
Above: (most of) The Bonn Stellar Populations and Dynamics Research
Group (10th November).
From left to right:
Above: The Bonn Stellar Populations and Dynamics Research
Group (6th November).
From upper left to lower right:
Above: The Prague Stellar Populations and Dynamics Research
Group (Friday 13th November).
From upper left to lower right:
Above: The Bonn Stellar Populations and Dynamics Research
Group (16th August, 2019 minus absentees).
From left to right:
Absent: Vasanth Balakrishna, Indranil Banik, Klaas de Boer, Patrick Lieberz, Michael Marks, Wolfgang Oehm, Victoria Schuy, Till Stadtler, Nils Wittenburg
Above: The Prague Stellar Populations and Dynamics Research Group (18th December, 2019).
From left to right:
Above: The Group (7th September, 2018 minus absentees). From right to left:
Above: The Group (18th December, 2017). From left to right:
Absent: Sambaran Banerjee, Klaas de Boer, Tereza Jerabkova, Paul Meder, Wolfgang Oehm, Jan Pflamm-Altenburg
Above: The Group (13th October, 2016). From left to right:
Absent: Klaas de Boer, Tereza Jerabkova, Nils Wittenburg
Above: The Group (13th October, 2015). From left to right:
Absent: Klaas de Boer, Claudia Bruens
Above: The Group (23rd October, 2014). From left to right:
Absent: Michael Brockamp, Klaas de Boer
Above: The Group (17th October, 2013). From right to left:
Absent: Klaas S. de Boer, Iskren Georgiev, Michael Sokaliwska
Above: The Group (16th November, 2012). From right to left:
Absent: Michael Sokaliwska
Above: The Group (8th November, 2011). From left to right:
Above: The Group (11th October, 2010). From right to left
(the spotless Sun was rather bright at 4pm):
Absent: Thomas Maschberger, Marcel Pawlowski
Above: The Group (6th November, 2009). From left to right:
Absent: Thomas Maschberger, Gisela Mainz
Above: The Group (23rd October, 2008). From left to right:
Above: The Group (24th October, 2007). From left to right:
Above: The Group (27th October, 2006). From left to right:
Above: The Group (16th September, 2005). From left to right:
No Photo: The Group (October, 2004):
Dr. Marcel Pawlowski, 2016
Dr. Andreas Kuepper, 2013
Dr. Holger Baumgardt
Dr. Sambaran Banerjee (2009-2010)
Dr. Indranil Banik (2018-2020)
Dr. Benoit Famaey (2012-2013)
Dr. Vikrant Jadhav (2023-)
Dr. Genevieve Parmentier (2009-2010)
Dr. Ladislav Subr (2007-2008)
Dr. Long Wang (2017-2019)
Dr. Xufen Wu (2013-2014)
Dr. Yu Xin (2008-2009)
Prof. Dr. Akram Hasani Zonoozi (2017-)
Prof. Dr. Hyung Mok Lee (Seoul National University, S.Korea) (2013/2014)
Dr. Andrea Dieball (2016-2017)
Dr. Holger Baumgardt, Habilitation 2007 (July), University of Bonn, "Intermediate-mass black holes in star clusters"
Dr. Santana Mansfield , PhD 29.08.2024, University of
Bonn, "Stellar exotica in the field and globular clusters"
Moritz Haslbauer , PhD 22.05.2024, University of Bonn,
"From the stellar IMF to large-scale structure formation: How the LCDM
model is incompatible with observations over all probed astrophysical scales" Patrick Lieberz, PhD 2021 (June 21st),
University of Bonn, "From star formation to regional distribution:
Influences on the embedded cluster mass function" Zhiqiang
Yan ,
PhD 2021 (December 17th, Charles University, Prague):
"Chemical evolution of galaxies with an environment-dependent stellar initial mass function"
Tereza Jerabkova , PhD 2020 (August 12th), University of Bonn,
"Stellar populations in gravitationally bound systems" Behnam Javanmardi
, PhD 2017 (February 8th), University
of Bonn, "Cosmological investigations on large and small scales" Seungkyung Oh, PhD 2016 (October 8th),
University of Bonn, "The dynamical ejections of massive stars from young star clusters" Ahmed Hassan Abdullah, PhD 2016 (April 11th),
University of Bonn, "On Problems Related to Galaxy Formation" Fabian Lueghausen, PhD 2015 (Jan.21st), University of Bonn,
"Galaxies in Milgromian Dynamics" (co-supervision by
Dr. Benoit Famaey, Strasbourg, France).
Phantom of Ramses (PoR) code as a
patch to RAMSES. By default the patch comes with the
RAMSES code whenever it is downloaded.
Michael Brockamp, PhD 2014 (Sept.29th), University of Bonn,
"Massive Black Holes in Galaxies" Claudia Bruens, PhD 2014 (June.16th), University of Bonn,
"A unified formation scenario for the zoo of extended star clusters
and ultra-compact dwarf galaxies" Joerg Dabringhausen, PhD 2013 (Sept.23rd), University of Bonn,
"The formation and the stellar populations of dwarf galaxies" Marcel Pawlowski, PhD 2013 (Aug.22nd), University of Bonn,
"On the nature and origin of the dwarf galaxies in the Local Group: Are they tidal dwarf galaxies?" Michael Marks, PhD 2012 (March), University of Bonn,
"Dynamical fingerprints of star cluster formation" Andreas Kuepper, PhD 2011 (Oct.), University of Bonn,
"The dynamical evolution of massive star clusters" Thomas Maschberger, PhD 2011 (Feb.), University of Bonn, "Star
formation in galaxies and star clusters" (co-supervision by
Prof. Cathie Clarke, IoA, Cambridge, UK). Ingo Thies, PhD 2011 (Feb.), Univesity of Bonn, "The
origin and nature of brown dwarfs and massive planets" Jan Pflamm-Altenburg, PhD 2010, Univesity of Bonn, "New aspects of
star-cluster physics" Ulf Loeckmann, PhD March 2009, University of Bonn, "Stellar
dynamics in the vicinity of supermassive black holes" Manuel Metz, PhD 2008, Univesity of Bonn, "Satellite galaxies
in the Local Group: CDM subhalos or tidal dwarf galaxies?" Carsten Weidner, PhD January 2006, University of Bonn, "The
initial mass function of stars" Jorge Penarrubia, PhD March 2003, University of Heidelberg
"Satellite dynamics in spiral galaxies with dark matter haloes"
(Co-supervision with Andreas Just in Heidelberg) Mike Fellhauer, PhD February 2001, University of Heidelberg,
"Could merged massive stellar clusters build up a dwarf galaxy?"
(Co-supervision with Rainer Spurzem in Heidelberg)
Past members:
Dr. Ahmed Hassan Abdullah, MSc: Disk galaxy spin and the dynamics of dwarf galaxies (DAAD scholar; 2013-2016 in Bonn).
Dipl.-Phys. Sarah Aretz: Proper motion measurements using scanners (co-supervision with PI Dr. Michael Geffert); teaching at a local high school since January 2009
Dr. Sambaran Banerjee: Dynamics of dense stellar systems (Aarseth Nbody codes; AvH Fellow 2009-2010).
Dr. Indranil Banik , AvH Fellow (Oct.2018-2020): Galactic and gravitational dynamics
PD Dr. Holger Baumgardt: Hochschulassistent (2004-2008) and Heisenberg Fellow (2008-2010): Computational stellar dynamics: formation of massive black holes in dense stellar systems, gravitational waves (since 2010 at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, as an ARC Future Fellow).
Dr. Michal Bilek: Galactic-dynamics simulations using the PoR code (in Bonn a few months early 2016)
Chiara Bindi, PhD project (worked for a few months in 2023 with Jaroslav Haas): TBD (stellar dynamics)
Nina Brinkman: Nbody models: the efficiency of forming bound clusters (Master degree 2015)
Dr. Michael Brockamp: Black hole dynamics (computational).
Dr. Claudia Bruens: Computational galactic dynamics: the evolution of star-cluster complexes.
Prof. Dr. Klaas S. de Boer: Stellar populations (observational)
Dr. Thibaut Decressin: Evolution of rotating massive stars; ambundance anomalies in globular clusters (theory).
Dr. Joerg Dabringhausen: Ultra-compact dwarf galaxies as transition objects between star clusters and galaxies (Dipl. and PhD student in Bonn).
Dr. Antonino Del Popolo: Cosmology, density structure of dark-matter halos (June-August 2008; since then permanent staff at the University of Bergamo, Italy).
Dr. Frantisek Dinnbier (Charles University, Prague 2021-2024): The evolution of star clusters (Nbody modelling)
Sushmitha Dixith Ganesh, MSc project: Emergent gravitation (2018-2019, theory)
Cand.-Phys. Felizitas Eschke: SNIa and the accelerating universe (theory, MSc degree 2016).
Dr. Benoit Famey: Theoretical galactic dynamics; alternative gravity (Alexander von Humboldt Fellow)
Dr. Michael Fellhauer (Mike): Ex-PhD student. Computational galactic dynamics: the formation and evolution of dwarf galaxies (since 1.10.2005 at the IoA, Cambridge; since June in Concepcion, Chile, as professor).
Mrs. Neda Ghafourian (visiting March-Sept. 2017; PhD student at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, with Prof. Dr. Mahmood Rosha): The stability of galactic disks in modified (Moffat) gravity (theory).
Dr. Iskren Georgiev: Star cluster populations (observations of star cluster populations).
Dipl.-Phys. Michael Guenther: Proper motion measurements using scanners (co-supervision with PI Dr. Michael Geffert); teaching at a local high school since January 2009
Prof. Dr. Rosa Amelia Gonzalez Lopeslira: Star formation laws in and dynamics of disk galaxies (observations)
Dr. Vasilii Gvaramadze Runaway OB stars, bow shocks, physical conditions in very young star clusters (observational)
Dr. Jaroslav Haas: The stellar IMF and relaxation processes in the central stellar disk around the MW super-massive black hole (theory). PhD student: co-supervision with Dr. Ladislav Subr (June 2007-June 2008; in Prague since then).
Dr. Hosein Haghi: (from IABS Iran). Alternative theories of gravity.
pre-Cand.-Phys. Manuel Hahn: Milky Way satellite galaxies (past Bachelor-Arbeits student).
Moritz Haslbauer, PhD 22.05.2024: Galaxies lacking dark matter, compact groups of galaxies (theory)
Mr. Farooq Hassan, BSc: The mmax--Mecl relation and the IMF (theoretical; MSc: early 2015).
Cand.-Phys. Tobias Isken: Nbody models: From strings to spheres: dynamically equivalent systems. MSc thesis 2014.
Dipl.-Phys. Anton Ippendorf: Dynamical processes of satellite galaxies (diploma end of 2010).
Dr. Behnam Javanmardi: SNIa, the accelerating universe, anisotropy in galaxy distribution and dwarf galaxy satellites with amateur telescopes (DGSAT) project.
Tereza Jerabkova: Stellar populations in gravitationally bound systems (theory, observation and Gaia data analysis).
Cand.-Phys. Lucia Klarmann: The orbital evolution of Milky Way satellite galaxies (theory).
Mr. Alexander Krause, BSc and MSc: The mass function of star clusters (theoretical; MSc thesis finished Oct.2019).
Cand.-Phys. Daniel Kroell: IGIMF Theory.
Cand.-Phys. Matthias Kruckow: The origin of super-canonical stars in young dense star clusters (Nbody computations).
Dr. Andreas Kuepper: The evolution of star clusters and of their tidal tails (Nbody). PhD in 2011 (see above). Recipient of Hubble Fellowship for 2013.
Prof. Dr. Hyung-Mok Lee (Seoul National University; visited Bonn May--August 2013, 2014): Alexander von Humboldt awardee; stellar dynamics, grav.waves, infrared astronomy: first stars.
Dr. Patrick Lieberz: IGIMF theory, the perfect galaxy (PhD in June 2021)
Ms Yunlin Liu, MSc project: Gravitational theory/emergent gravity.
Dr. Ulf Loeckmann: Numerical dynamics within the vicinity of a super-massive black hole (co-supervision with PI Holger Baumgardt; PhD in the Summer of 2009).
Dr. Fabian Lueghauen (still affiliated): The Phantom of Ramses (PoR) code and galaxies in Milgromian dynamics (computational astrophysics; PhD Jan. 2015)
Mr. Hamidreza Mahani (PhD student at the IASBS, Zanjan: 30.03.-15.12.2018, DAAD scholar)
Dr. Gisela Maintz: RR Lyrae stars and the Milky Way potential (collaborator of Prof. Klaas S. de Boer)
Dr. Michael Marks: Star-cluster formation and evolution, binaries in star clusters and Milky Way formation (theoretical and numerical).
Dr. Thomas Maschberger: Young star clusters and the star-formation histories of galaxies (Dipl. and PhD student in Bonn, PhD Feb. 2011)
Mr. Paul Anton Meder (BSc project 2017): The M81 group of galaxies in Milgromian dynamics.
Dr. Manuel Metz: Theoretical research on the cosmological sub-structure problem (Dipl. and PhD student in Bonn, received PhD in August 2008; since Feb. 2009 at DLR in Bonn).
Simon Misof, MSc project (2022-2023, worked with Elena Asencio) Satellite galaxies and dynamical friction (theoretical)
Srikanth Togere Nagesh, Msc Project: ended beginning 2022 Extragalactic/star formation rates of galaxies and comparison with models (PoR modelling)
Dr. Santana Mansfield (past PhD student, 2020) Stellar populations in globular clusters, M dwarf mass--luminosity relation (observational, theoretical)
Cand-Phys. Bhawna Motwani (Indian Institue of Technology Roorkee; visiting May--July 2013 as Intern): The formation of buond star clusters after residual gas expulsion
Dr. Wolfgang Oehm (affiliated): Simulations of galaxy-galaxy encounters: initial conditions of observed systems - does dark matter exist?
Dr. Seungkyung Oh: The dynamical evolution of massive-stars in young star clusters (expert on Aarseth Nbody6 code).
MSc Yasna Ordenes: Polar ring galaxies (master student, observational, in co-supervision with Dr. Iskren Georgie, since January 2014 PhD student in Santiago at the Catholica, Chile)
Mr. Benjamin Pages, BSc: Theoretical studies on cosmology and gravity (17.02.-17.03.2016; visiting scholar from Ecole des Mines in Nancy, France).
Dimitrios Papachristopoulos, ERASMUS project (winter semester 2022/23): The star formation histories of nearby galaxies (empirical)
Dr. Genevieve Parmentier: AvH Fellow (until end of 2010): The mass function of star-cluster systems (theory, now at MPIfR).
Dr. Marcel Pawlowski: The formation of tidal-dwarf galaxies and the origin of the satellites of the Milky Way galaxy, implications thereof for cosmology (theory) (Dipl. and PhD student in Bonn until Aug. 2013, then at Case Western, USA).
Cand.-Phys. Miklos Peuten: The Xray flux from dark and other star clusters (theory).
Mr. Armin Rasekh, BSc: Exotic stellar populations in globular clusters (observational, with Andrea Dieball, MSc in 2016)
Cortes Martin Ricardo Adan (visiting Oct. and Nov. 2019; PhD at Universitat Nacional Autonoma de Mexico) with Xavier Hernandez): Yests of gravitational theory
Mr. Shafquat Riaz, MSc project (April 2017-April 2018): Nbody modelling of dark star clusters
Mr. Ghasem Safaei (PhD student at the IASBS, Zanjan: 30.03.-15.12.2018, DAAD scholar)
Dipl.-Phys. Jaroslava Schovancova: Erasmus student from Charles University, Prague (2007): Galactic-centre dynamics (theory, under supervision from Dr. Ladislav Subr).
Dr. Ylva Schuberth: Old star cluster systems (observational).
Mr. Martin Schuermann (BSc project 2017) : 3D collapse of a rotating particle cloud in Milgromian dynamics (theory).
Cand.-Phys. Christine Schulz: Constraining the assembly of galaxy clusters via the distribution of UCDs (theory). Diploma 2014.
Victoria Schuy, MSc 2021: Possible effects of Milgromian dynamics in the outer Solar System (theory, working with Indranil Banik)
Mr. Hossein Shenavar (visiting March-Sept. 2017; PhD student at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, with Dr. Kurosh Javidan): The physical implications of General Relativity using Neumann boundary conditions (theory).
Dipl.-Phys. Michael Sokaliwska: Space-time metric and the Kepler problem, applications of MOND. Researcher until 2014.
Till Stadtler, MSc project (2018): The spheronic universe and emergent gravity (theory)
Dr. Ladislav Subr: Alexander-von-Humboldt Fellow (Jan.2007-Jan.2008; in Prague since then): Runaway-merging in very-young embedded star cluster; the dynamics of stellar systems near massive black holes (theory).
Vasanth Balakrishna Subramani, (MSc Nov.2019): Apparent galaxy evolution in different cosmological models (theory)
Msc Alexandriu Tudorica: Reconstructing star formation histories of galaxies from optical-NIR observations of their star clusters: the dSph galaxy "IKN" (worked with Dr. Iskren Georgiev, observations, master of science Nov. 2012)
Ms. Hajar Vakili, MSc: Modified gravity (MOG) (2015: long-term 2015 visiting PhD student from Sharif University, Teheran, working with Prof. Dr. Sohrab Rahvar ).
Dr. Long Wang, AvH Fellow (Dec.2017-2019): Evolution of globular clusters (Nbody simulations, theory)
Dr. Carsten Weidner: Theoretical research on the stellar initial mass function, galactic populations (PhD late Fall of 2005).
Dr. Xufen Wu: Theoretical galactic dynamics, applications of modified gravitational theories (Alexander von Humboldt Fellow until 2014)
Dr. Xiang Gruess: Evolution of planetary systems and protoplanetary discs (theoretical).
Dr. Yu Xin: Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (2008-2009): Stellar population synthesis (since 2009 at NAO in Beijing).
Dr. Akram Hasani Zonoozi (from IABS, Iran): Nbody models of star clusters.