Population synthesis of evolved massive binary stars in the Magellanic Clouds
- Christoph Schürmann
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, January 2025
Comprehensive population synthesis predictions for massive binary stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud
- Xiao-Tian Xu
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, January 2024
Evolution of Massive Contact Binaries
- Kai Uwe Förster
- Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, November 2023
The Formation Mechanisms of Classical Emission Line Stars
- Ben James Hastings
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, September 2023
The Blue-to-Red Supergiant Ratio in the Small Magellanic Cloud
- Alexander Iain Dutoy
- Master Thesis, Bonn University, August 2023
Evolution of short-period massive binary stars in the Magellanic Clouds
- Koushik Sen
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, September 2022
Spindown and envelope inflation of massive main sequence stars in the Milky Way
- Kaila Nathaniel
- Master Thesis, Bonn University, May 2022
The impact of binary interaction on the
main-sequence morphology of young star clusters
- Chen Wang
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, February 2022
Models of massive binary star evolution as progenitors of gravitational wave events
- Katharina Rauthmann
- Master Thesis, Bonn University, August 2021
Progenitor Stars of Hydrogen- and Helium-Deficient Astrophysical Transients
- David Ramon Aguilera Dena
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, January 2021
The Evolution of Very Massive Binary Systems
- Daniel Pauli
- Master Thesis, Bonn University, September 2020
Internal Circulation Currents in Massive Single and Binary Stars
- Ben Hastings
- Master Thesis, Bonn University, September 2019
Influence of binary evolution on the properties of red supergiants
- Airana Leu
- Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, February 2019
Predicted properties of OB star-black hole binaries
- Katja Stoll
- Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, February 2019
The evolution of massive stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud
- Abel Schootemeijer
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, November 2018
Diagnostic of the conditions at the base of the optically
thick winds of Wolf-Rayet stars in the Galaxy and the LMC
- Vsevolod Nedora
- Master Thesis, Bonn University, September 2018
Investigation of the galactic WNE stars
- Daniel Pauli
- Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, August 2018
Stellar population synthesis based on dense grids
of detailed binary evolution models
- Sylvia Adscheid
- Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, August 2018
On the Invisible Component of Massive Single Line Spectroscopic Binaries
- Wiebke Riedel
- Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, July 2018
Helium Accreting White Dwarfs as Progenitors of
Explosive Stellar Transients
- Patrick Neunteufel
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, October 2017
Pre-supernova Evolution of Rapidly Rotating
Massive Stars at Low Metallicity
- David Ramon Aguilera Dena
- Master Thesis, Bonn University, September 2017
The impact of tides and mass transfer on the
evolution of metal-poor massive binary stars
- Pablo Marchant
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, June 2017
Massive stars on the main sequence
- Karen Köhler
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, December 2016
Envelope inflation in massive stars near the Eddington limit
- Debashis Sanyal
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, November 2016
Formation of low-mass helium white dwarfs orbiting binary millisecond pulsars
- Alina Istrate
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, November 2016
Instabilities in the envelope of stars
- Luca Grassitelli
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, October 2016
Evolution of low-mass helium stars
- Franziska Heusgen
- Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, September 2016
The evolution of low-metallicity massive stars
- Dorottya Szécsi
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, July 2016
Predictions for Micro- and Macroturbulence as function of the Mixing-Length Parameter in inflated massive main sequence stars
- Katharina Rauthmann
- Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, March 2016
Magnitude limited age distribution of a synthetic O and B star population
- Andreas Müller
- Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, Mai 2015
Statistical Analyses of Massive Stars and Stellar Populations
- Fabian Schneider
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, Feb. 2015
Models of the circumstellar medium of evolving,
Galactic, massive runaway stars
- Dominique Meyer
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, Feb 2015
Pair instability supernovae: Evolution, explosion, nucleosynthesis
- Alexandra Kozyreva
- PhD Thesis, Bonn University, April 2014
Constraining Binary Parameters based on the VLT-Flames Survey
- Sascha Heupel
- Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, October 2013
Transport of angular momentum in massive stars during their main sequence evolution
- Marius Mürz
- Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, October 2013
The Evolutionary Consequences of Stars Near the Eddington Limit
- Durand D'Souza
- Semester Abroad Thesis (Masters), Bonn University, June 2012
Models for circumstellar nebulae around red and blue supergiants
- Sabina Chita
- PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, October 2011
Modelling Populations of Rotationally Mixed Massive Stars
- Ines Brott
- PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, February 2011
Pre-Collapse Evolution of Rotating Metal-Free Stars
- Alexandra Dierks
- Master Thesis, Universität Bonn, December 2010
The physics of line-driven winds of hot massive stars
- Lianne Muijres
- PhD Thesis, University of Amsterdam, November 2010
Supernovae interacting with their Circumstellar Medium
- Bob van Veelen
- PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, November 2010
Stellar evolution at low metallicity under the influence
of binary interaction and rotation
- Selma de Mink
- PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, April 2010
About the recognition of rotationally
induced chemical homogeneity in massive main sequence stars
- Denise Keller
- Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, July 2010
Using the nitrogen surface abundance as a clock in massive main sequence stars
- Mikolaj Borzyszkowski
- Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, June 2010
Observable consequences of unstable stellar interiors
- Matteo Cantiello
- PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, November 2009
Probing thermonuclear burning on accreting neutron stars
- Laurens Keek
- PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, December 2008
Stellar Evolution at the Borderline of White Dwarf and Neutron Star
- Arend Jan Poelarends
- PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, January 2007
Supernovae Interacting with their Circumstellar Medium
- Bob van Veelen
- Master Thesis, Utrecht University, September 2006
Evolution of Rotating Low Mass Stars: Effects of Internal Magnetic
- Maarten Suijs
- Master Thesis, Utrecht University, June 2006
Models for the Circumstellar Medium of Long Gamma-Ray Burst Progenitor Candidates
- Allard-Jan van Marle
- PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, May 2006
Super-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs as Type Ia supernova progenitors
- Rudy Knaap
- Master Thesis, Utrecht University, November 2004
On the Evolution of Massive Close Binary Systems
- Jelena Petrovic
- PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, October 2004
On the Evolution of Accreting White Dwarfs in Binary Systems
- Sung-Chul Yoon
- PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, April 2004
On the evolutionary status of the black hole binary GRO J1655-40
- Arend Jan Poelarends
- Master Thesis, Utrecht University, Oct. 2002
Praesupernova-Entwicklung enger massereicher Dopplesternsystems
- Stephan Wellstein
- PhD Thesis, Potsdam University, Feb. 2001 (in German)
Helium-Akkretion auf C/O-Weisse Zwerge
- Silvia Scheithauer
- Master Thesis, Potsdam University, May 2000 (in German)
Zur Metallizitaets-Abhaengigkeit der Entwicklung von Typ Ia
- Andreas Deutschmann
- Master Thesis, Potsdam University, Sept. 1998 (in German)
The Pre-Supernova Evolution of Rotating Massive Stars
- Alexander Heger
- PhD Thesis, TU Munich, Oct. 1998
more of Alexander here
Mischprozesse und Nukleosynthese in den Komponenten Massereicher Enger
- Hartmut Braun
- PhD Thesis, LMU Munich, Nov. 1997 (in German)
Zur frühen Entwicklung rotierender Sterne des unteren Massenbereichs
- Jens Fliegner
- Diploma Thesis, Uni Göttingen, 1993 (in German)