Thesis Work

Population synthesis of evolved massive binary stars in the Magellanic Clouds
Christoph Schürmann
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, January 2025
Comprehensive population synthesis predictions for massive binary stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Xiao-Tian Xu
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, January 2024
Evolution of Massive Contact Binaries
Kai Uwe Förster
Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, November 2023
The Formation Mechanisms of Classical Emission Line Stars
Ben James Hastings
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, September 2023
The Blue-to-Red Supergiant Ratio in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Alexander Iain Dutoy
Master Thesis, Bonn University, August 2023
Evolution of short-period massive binary stars in the Magellanic Clouds
Koushik Sen
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, September 2022
Spindown and envelope inflation of massive main sequence stars in the Milky Way
Kaila Nathaniel
Master Thesis, Bonn University, May 2022
The impact of binary interaction on the main-sequence morphology of young star clusters
Chen Wang
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, February 2022
Models of massive binary star evolution as progenitors of gravitational wave events
Katharina Rauthmann
Master Thesis, Bonn University, August 2021
Progenitor Stars of Hydrogen- and Helium-Deficient Astrophysical Transients
David Ramon Aguilera Dena
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, January 2021
The Evolution of Very Massive Binary Systems
Daniel Pauli
Master Thesis, Bonn University, September 2020
Internal Circulation Currents in Massive Single and Binary Stars
Ben Hastings
Master Thesis, Bonn University, September 2019
Influence of binary evolution on the properties of red supergiants
Airana Leu
Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, February 2019
Predicted properties of OB star-black hole binaries
Katja Stoll
Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, February 2019
The evolution of massive stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Abel Schootemeijer
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, November 2018
Diagnostic of the conditions at the base of the optically thick winds of Wolf-Rayet stars in the Galaxy and the LMC
Vsevolod Nedora
Master Thesis, Bonn University, September 2018
Investigation of the galactic WNE stars
Daniel Pauli
Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, August 2018
Stellar population synthesis based on dense grids of detailed binary evolution models
Sylvia Adscheid
Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, August 2018
On the Invisible Component of Massive Single Line Spectroscopic Binaries
Wiebke Riedel
Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, July 2018
Helium Accreting White Dwarfs as Progenitors of Explosive Stellar Transients
Patrick Neunteufel
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, October 2017
Pre-supernova Evolution of Rapidly Rotating Massive Stars at Low Metallicity
David Ramon Aguilera Dena
Master Thesis, Bonn University, September 2017
The impact of tides and mass transfer on the evolution of metal-poor massive binary stars
Pablo Marchant
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, June 2017
Massive stars on the main sequence
Karen Köhler
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, December 2016
Envelope inflation in massive stars near the Eddington limit
Debashis Sanyal
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, November 2016
Formation of low-mass helium white dwarfs orbiting binary millisecond pulsars
Alina Istrate
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, November 2016
Instabilities in the envelope of stars
Luca Grassitelli
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, October 2016
Evolution of low-mass helium stars
Franziska Heusgen
Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, September 2016
The evolution of low-metallicity massive stars
Dorottya Szécsi
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, July 2016
Predictions for Micro- and Macroturbulence as function of the Mixing-Length Parameter in inflated massive main sequence stars
Katharina Rauthmann
Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, March 2016
Magnitude limited age distribution of a synthetic O and B star population
Andreas Müller
Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, Mai 2015
Statistical Analyses of Massive Stars and Stellar Populations
Fabian Schneider
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, Feb. 2015
Models of the circumstellar medium of evolving, Galactic, massive runaway stars
Dominique Meyer
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, Feb 2015
Pair instability supernovae: Evolution, explosion, nucleosynthesis
Alexandra Kozyreva
PhD Thesis, Bonn University, April 2014
Constraining Binary Parameters based on the VLT-Flames Survey
Sascha Heupel
Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, October 2013
Transport of angular momentum in massive stars during their main sequence evolution
Marius Mürz
Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, October 2013
The Evolutionary Consequences of Stars Near the Eddington Limit
Durand D'Souza
Semester Abroad Thesis (Masters), Bonn University, June 2012
Models for circumstellar nebulae around red and blue supergiants
Sabina Chita
PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, October 2011
Modelling Populations of Rotationally Mixed Massive Stars
Ines Brott
PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, February 2011
Pre-Collapse Evolution of Rotating Metal-Free Stars
Alexandra Dierks
Master Thesis, Universität Bonn, December 2010
The physics of line-driven winds of hot massive stars
Lianne Muijres
PhD Thesis, University of Amsterdam, November 2010
Supernovae interacting with their Circumstellar Medium
Bob van Veelen
PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, November 2010
Stellar evolution at low metallicity under the influence of binary interaction and rotation
Selma de Mink
PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, April 2010
About the recognition of rotationally induced chemical homogeneity in massive main sequence stars
Denise Keller
Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, July 2010
Using the nitrogen surface abundance as a clock in massive main sequence stars
Mikolaj Borzyszkowski
Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, June 2010
Observable consequences of unstable stellar interiors
Matteo Cantiello
PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, November 2009
Probing thermonuclear burning on accreting neutron stars
Laurens Keek
PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, December 2008
Stellar Evolution at the Borderline of White Dwarf and Neutron Star Formation
Arend Jan Poelarends
PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, January 2007
Supernovae Interacting with their Circumstellar Medium
Bob van Veelen
Master Thesis, Utrecht University, September 2006
Evolution of Rotating Low Mass Stars: Effects of Internal Magnetic Fields
Maarten Suijs
Master Thesis, Utrecht University, June 2006
Models for the Circumstellar Medium of Long Gamma-Ray Burst Progenitor Candidates
Allard-Jan van Marle
PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, May 2006
Super-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs as Type Ia supernova progenitors
Rudy Knaap
Master Thesis, Utrecht University, November 2004
On the Evolution of Massive Close Binary Systems
Jelena Petrovic
PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, October 2004
On the Evolution of Accreting White Dwarfs in Binary Systems
Sung-Chul Yoon
PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, April 2004
On the evolutionary status of the black hole binary GRO J1655-40
Arend Jan Poelarends
Master Thesis, Utrecht University, Oct. 2002
Praesupernova-Entwicklung enger massereicher Dopplesternsystems
Stephan Wellstein
PhD Thesis, Potsdam University, Feb. 2001 (in German)
Helium-Akkretion auf C/O-Weisse Zwerge
Silvia Scheithauer
Master Thesis, Potsdam University, May 2000 (in German)
Zur Metallizitaets-Abhaengigkeit der Entwicklung von Typ Ia Supernova-Vorlaeufern
Andreas Deutschmann
Master Thesis, Potsdam University, Sept. 1998 (in German)
The Pre-Supernova Evolution of Rotating Massive Stars
Alexander Heger
PhD Thesis, TU Munich, Oct. 1998
more of Alexander here
Mischprozesse und Nukleosynthese in den Komponenten Massereicher Enger Binaersysteme
Hartmut Braun
PhD Thesis, LMU Munich, Nov. 1997 (in German)
Zur frühen Entwicklung rotierender Sterne des unteren Massenbereichs
Jens Fliegner
Diploma Thesis, Uni Göttingen, 1993 (in German)
