
Module astro830. Organizers: Zein Bazzi, Frank Bertoldi


Welcome to the four-credit point Seminar on Astronomy and Astrophysics (astro830) in the Master of Astrophysics program at the Argelander-Institute for Astronomy.

Students present a talk based on a recently published research paper  selected by professors and research staff at the AIfA.  Students must discuss the research topic, the paper content, and their presentation with their respective supervisor before their presentation.

Time and Place:  Mondays, 14.00-15:15 when two talks or 13:45-15:30 when three talks, Lecture Hall 0.012, AIfA

The AstroSem introductory session will be on Monday 15.04.24 at 14.00, where the papers were briefly introduced (list below). Students shall have a close look at them in the week following and express their interest in two papers via email to the respective supervisor by Friday 19 AprilThe papers will assigned after that date.

The talks will be scheduled for a date after the registration deadline 28.04.2024, first one on 6. May.
The latest date available for scheduling a talk this semester is 15.07.2024

Students and advisors should read the guidelines.  Do also read the guides to good seminar talks linked below!

Please register on basis for this seminar course: the registration and de-registration deadlines 28. April and 5. May. Late registrations will not be possible!