ALMA Community Events

Proposal Preparation Support

March/April 2021

see caption

Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), C. Padilla

Proposal Preparation Support for Cycle 8 2021

In view of the special challenges of the ongoing pandemic, the traditional all-day community event has been replaced by a series of pre-recorded video presentations that can be watched conveniently at any time and location of choice. The presentations are complemented by an online community meeting on Wednesday, 7 April 2021, and by individual one-on-one help via a video conferencing platform.

Enjoy ALMA proposal preparation support at home and at times convenient for you!

1) Proposal Preparation Presentations

In place of presentations during an in-person Community Day, the German ARC node offers a series of brief video tutorials that can be watched at any convenient time. The tutorials cater to astronomers with different levels of expertise, from introductory videos for scientists new to ALMA to a concise update for experienced ALMA users.

The following presentations are now online:

2) Online community meeting and one-on-one help

As a complement to the pre-recorded videos, the German ARC node invites all interested astromoners to an online community meeting via zoom. During the meeting, the authors of the tutorials and other experienced Contact Scientists will be available for further discussion and practical one-on-one help in break-out rooms. If you would like to talk to an ALMA expert, but can not join the community meeting, please send an email to arc at

Time & date: Wednesday, 07 April 2021, 11:00-13:00 CEST (09:00-11:00 UT)
Location: zoom conference; the access details will be sent to all registered participants in early April
Registration: closed